Our Experiences

For five years till 2014, CPS was a research unit of the Cambodian Economic Association (CEA). It was set up with a plan to become independent in several years, leaving CEA to be just a network organisation. Under CEA, CPS successfully implemented many policy-relevant research projects for clients and partners such as the World Bank, IFC, CIDA/CCO, IDRC, UNICEF, AusAID/ODI, Oxfam, TDRI, Brookings Institution, and other international and local NGOs.

List of ongoing and completed research projects conducted by CPS since 2009:


  1. 56. Project Detailed Feasibility Study and Preliminary Design Update for the Promotion of Paddy Production and Rice Exports Project (PREP) Revamp in Cambodia, contracted by the Ministry of Economy and Finance
  2. Studies commissioned by Ministry of Rural Development/SAAMBAT Project financed by IFAD, EIB and RGC in 2023:
  3. 55. Appraise Producer Groups for Accession to Agriculture Cooperatives
  4. 54. Assess Policy Options for Financing Value Chains in the Agriculture Sector
  5. 53. Rethink Rural Development Models in Cambodia in Light of Cambodia and Regional Experience
  6. 52. Feasibility Study of Digital Technology for the Agriculture Ecosystem in Cambodia


  1. 51. Re-examining Labour Markets in Rural Cambodia with Emphasis on Agriculture Sector Growth in Economic Poles, commissioned by Ministry of Rural Development/SAAMBAT Project financed by IFAD, EIB and RGC
  2. 50. Mapping Agriculture and Rural Development Projects Financed by DPs and RGC, commissioned by Ministry of Rural Development/SAAMBAT Project Finance by IFAD, EIB and RGC
  3. 49. Assessing Agricultural Cooperatives in Cambodia, commissioned by Mekong Region Land Governance Programme mainly funded by Swiss Development Cooperation, and Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)
  4. 48. A Market Assessment to Support the Development of the Public-Social-Private Partnerships for Ecologically-Sound Agriculture and Resilient Livelihood in Northern Tonle Sap Basin (PEARL), commissioned by FAO
  5. 47. Feasibility study of Agro-Industrial Park in Cambodia, subcontracted by EY Singapore, a project commissioned by CAVAC Project funded by DFAT


  1. 46. Study of Emerging Areas and Potential Crops for Diversification in Cambodia, commissioned by
  2. 45. Market Assessment for Agriculture Value Chain Development for Smallholder Farmers in Cambodia, commissioned by UNDP
  3. 44. Agriculture Value Chain Study for Digitalization in Cambodia, commissioned by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF)
  4. 43. Feasibility Study of 4Ps (Public, Private and Producer Partnership) in Cambodia, in partnership with CDRI, funded by IFAD Regional Grant


  1. 42. South-South Cooperation for Scaling Up Climate Resilient Value Chain Initiatives (SSCVC), in partnership with Vietnam Social Academy, funded by IFAD Regional Grant
  2. 41. Feasibility Study of Safe Transportation for Workers in Garment and Footwear Sectors in Cambodia, commissioned by AIP Foundation 
  3. 40. Feasibility Study of Regional Wholesale Markets for Vegetable Value Chains in Cambodia, commissioned by Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF)/IFAD SAAMBAT Project 
  4. 39. Assessment of Seven Criteria on Garment Sector Minimum Wage Setting for Unions, commissioned by Solidarity Center (SC) under USAID Cambodia
  5. 38. Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Workers in Garment and Tourism Sectors in Cambodia, commissioned by Solidarity Center (SC) under USAID
  6. 37. Assessment of Inclusive Business Models of Responsible Agricultural Investments in Cambodia, commissioned by Mekong Regional Land Governance (MRLG), funded by SDC/BMZ/Luxembourg Government
  7. 36. Assessing the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic Situation on MSMEs in the Tourism Sector in Cambodia, commissioned by The Asia Foundation (TAF) Cambodia 
  8. 35. PONLOK CHOMNES Project on Supporting Research and Capacity Building (Employment Opportunities in Agriculture), funded by The Asia Foundation (TAF) Cambodia


  1. 34. Training and Coaching Session Series on Capacity Building to a Team of Government Staff, commissioned by The Asia Foundation (TAF) Cambodia
  2. 33. Digital Challenges and Opportunities for Agribusiness Enterprises in Cambodia, commissioned by Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)
  3. 32. Analysis of Cost of Upgrading Transport for Workers in Garment and Footwear Sectors in Cambodia, commissioned by Solidarity Center (SC)


  1. 31. Minimum Wage Updating Assessment of Seven Criteria on Garment Sector Minimum Wage Setting for Unions,   commissioned by Solidarity Center (SC), IndustrilALL Global Union 
  2. 30. Follow-up Survey of Drivers Transporting Workers in the Garment and Footwear Sectors in Cambodia, commissioned by Solidarity Center (SC)


  1. 29. Research Study of Stagnation of Rice Export, commissioned by Cambodia Agricultural Value Chain (CAVAC) 
  2. 28. Rice Sector Observatory, commissioned by SNEC/AFD 
  3. 27. Minimum Wage Setting and Adjustment in Cambodia’s Garment and Footwear Sectors: Research on 7 Criteria,     commissioned by FES, IndustriALL Global Union, and Solidarity Center (SC) 
  4. 26. Survey of Drivers Transporting Workers in Garment and Footwear Sectors in Cambodia, commissioned by FES, and SolidarityCenter (SC)
  5. 25. Survey of Working Conditions of Domestic Workers in Cambodia, commissioned by Solidarity Center (SC)
  6. 24. Survey of Working Conditions of Construction Workers in Cambodia, Solidarity Center (SC)


  1. 23. Feasibility Study of the Land Allocation for Small and Medium Farms (LASAMF), Mekong Region Land Governance (MRLG) Project
  2. 22. Technical Support for the Implementation of the Boosting Food Production (BFP) Project, commissioned by MAFF/GDA
  3. 21. Survey of Consumption Expenditures of Workers in the Garment and Footwear Sectors in Cambodia, commissioned by ACILS, FES and industrial Global Union 
  4. 20. Multi-Scalar Evidence Based Dialogue: A Regional Approach to Improving Smallholder Land Tenure, in partnership with ForestTrends, funded by Mekong Regional Land Governance (MRLG) Project


  1. 19. Feasibility Study and Design of Boosting Food Production (BFP) Project, commissioned by MAFF/ GDA
  2. 18. Investor Motivation Survey in Cambodia, commissioned by IFC
  3. 17. Inclusive Development of the Chinese Foreign Direct Investment to the GMS, in partnership with Kunming University of Science and Technology (KUST), funded by IDRC 
  4. 16. Learning to Compete: Enterprise Mapping Survey, commissioned by Brookings Institution 


  1. 15. Economic Model Study on Management of Revenue from Oil, Gas and Mining in Cambodia, commissioned by     Cambodians for Resource Revenue Transparency (CRRT)
  2. 14. Budgeting for Equitable Development, commissioned by UNICEF
  3. 13. Building Political Ownership and Technical Leadership: Decision-making, Political Economy and Knowledge Use in the Health Sector in Cambodia, commissioned by ODI/AusAID
  4. 12. A Review of Foreign Aid Efficiency in Cambodia, commissioned by NGO Forum on Cambodia


  1. 11. Study to Provide Inputs to AVEC Programme Design, commissioned by CIDA/CCO
  2. 10. Baseline Evaluation Study of CDMD’s Community Based Rehabilitation Programme, commissioned by CBM/CDMD
  3. 9. Learning from Irrigation Projects in Cambodia: Benefits and Challenges, commissioned by NGO Forum on Cambodia


  1. 8. Review of Export Procedure for Processed Agriculture Products, commissioned by IFC
  2. 7. Economic Land Concessions and Local Communities, commissioned by NGO Forum on Cambodia
  3. 6. Off-Budget Public Expenditure Survey, commissioned by World Bank
  4. 5. KAP Survey for Eye Health Survey, commissioned by CBM/CDMD


  1. 4. Agriculture Financing and Services for Smallholder Farmers, commissioned by NGO Forum on Cambodia and ActionAid Cambodia
  2. 3. Impacts of Garment & Textile Trade Preferences on Livelihoods in Cambodia, commissioned by Oxfam America
  3. 2. Does Large-Scale Investment in Agriculture Benefit the Poor? commissioned by Oxfam America 
  4. 1. Impacts of the Economic Downturn on Households and Communities in Cambodia, commissioned by Oxfam America and NGO Forum on Cambodia