CPS envisions to be an impactful think tank in informing policymaking and formulating successfully implemented concept, policies and project for inclusive and sustainable development of Cambodia

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Our Research

Economic Development Policy (EDP)

  • Macroeconomic policy (monetary, fiscal, finance, banking,…)
  • Sectorial policy (agriculture, infrastructure, and services,…)
  • Economic integration
  • Private Sector Development (PSD)

  • SME development
  • Trade and investment
  • Business enabling environment
  • Natural Resources Management (NRM)

  • Land management
  • Extractive industries
  • Forestry and biodiversity
  • Featured News

    The economic situation of the Cambodian people During COVID-19 pandemic

    19 Feb 2021

    Citizens’ Debt Problems and Solutions with Financial Institutions During COVID-19

    02 May 2020

    Establishing an SME bank can be a double-edged sword

    28 June 2019


    31 December 2020

    The interview with Mr. CHAN Sophal, the director of Centre for Policy Studies (CPS), about Digital Challenges and Opportunities for Agribusiness Enterprises in Cambodia

    Latest Publications

    Study Report No. 13 (2021)

    The COVID-19 Pandemic and Workers in Cambodia

    English download

    Study Report No. 12 (2021)

    Digital Challenges and Opportunities for Agricultural Input Suppliers in Cambodia

    English download

    Policy Brief No. 05 (2021)

    The Covid-19 Pandemic and Workers in Cambodia

    Khmer download

    English download

    Policy Brief No. 04 (2021)

    The COVID-19 and Suspended Workers in Cambodia

    English download