
TOWARDS MORE INCLUSIVE COMMUNITIES: Strategies for Promoting Social Inclusion and quity in Rural Development
Policy Brief No. 20 (2024)
The peace dividend has allowed Cambodia to develop its economy continuously over the past few decades, and rural areas have benefited accordingly from this development process.

EVOLVING RURAL LANDSCAPES: Addressing the Emerging Issues in Rural Cambodia
Policy Brief No. 19 (2024)
Through cooperation with SAAMBAT Project funded by IFAD, European Investment Bank, and the European Union) and Ponlok Chomnes programme (funded by DFAT and implemented by The Asia Foundation)...

Targeting Young Farmers to Promote Digital Adoption in the Agriculture Value Chain
Policy Brief No. 18 (2024)
Techo Startup Centre (TSC), through the SAAMBAT project, aims to develop a multi-functional ecosystem platform to streamline and enhance the flow of information within the agriculture value chain in order to improve efficiency.

Opportunities and Needed Supports for Transforming Producer Groups into Agricultural Cooperatives
Policy Brief No. 17 (2024)
In 2023, the Centre for Policy Studies (CPS), in cooperation with the SAAMBAT project, conducted a study to assess if and how the producer groups (PGs) could be promoted to become Agricultural Cooperatives (ACs).

Options of Non-Collateralised Financing for Net Houses: Scaling-up Production of Safe Vegetables in Cambodia
Policy Brief No. 16 (2024)
The Centre for Policy Studies, with the support from Sustainable Assets for Agriculture Markets, Business and Trade (SAAMBAT) project, conducted a study to explore alternative value chain financing models, an option that enables farmers to access finance ...

REGIONAL EXPERIENCES: Strategic Approaches and Priorities for Effective and Inclusive
Rural Development
Rural Development
Policy Brief No. 15 (2024)
Through the cooperation with the Sustainable Assets for Agriculture Markets, Business, and Trade (SAAMBAT) project, the Centre for Policy Studies (CPS) had conducted a study during 2023-2024 to ...

Policy Brief No.14 (2024)
The policy brief presents the review of the policy framework and successful approaches on rural women’s economic empowerment aimed to inform policy engagement with national government and development partners in Cambodia.

Policy Brief No. 13 (2023)
Agricultural investment plays a central role in the rural economy of Cambodia, and has potential to offer many opportunities for smallholder farmers. In the context of ongoing economic challenges, making markets work for farmers has taken on a new importance, particularly in light of calls by the government for ...

Promoting the Production of High Value Crops for Economic Diversification
Policy Brief No. 12 (2023)
In 2021, the Centre for Policy Studies (CPS) conducted a study to identify the emerging areas for 10 potential high-value crops in ten provinces. The study included a survey of 746 farmers, key informant interviews, and extensive discussions with ...

Enhancing the Labour Productivity to Support Rural Enterprise and Economic Development
Policy Brief No. 11 (2023)
As enterprises seek to maximise their profits, the job performance and capacity development of their employees plays a crucial role. These are the two important aspects of the labour force that can drive ...